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Saw this chart – not sure where – and thought it may be a heck of a lot better than most of the prescription in the medicine cabinet.

I don’t know you but I am starting to think we are an over medicated nation sometimes. I mean – it is wonderful that we have discovered ways to relieve and cure so many things but the way pills are prescribed for anything and everything kind of makes me wonder.

So maybe it is better to try this for what ails you next time!

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I find that when I buy my OTC”s antacids, vitamins. pain relievers, etc at big box stores  the amount is so many it will expire before I can use them up. I don’t save any money if I have to throw out half a bottle of whatever I am using. Because, I am a Kaiser member, I can use there pharmacy for my OTC’s, I not only can buy in smaller amounts I get a very good price. The price is even better if I don’t buy brand name. I need to watch my budget carefully now days, anything I can do to save is a big help.

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Hormone replacement therapy and the risk of cancer and heart disease have been in the news a lot lately.

I was and still am a participant in the Women’s Health Initiative study. I have not taken hormone replacement since the study saw an increase in heart disease and breast cancer in women taking this therapy. I fill out a yearly health report for tracking

Purposes. Women on the hormones doubled their risk of breast cancer. Hormone therapy has dropped 70% since the study revealed the risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

We are now beginning to see a decline in breast cancer for the first time in years. Yet, I read Hormone therapy remains a ”good health care choice to relieve moderate to severe menopausal symptoms” says a statement from Wyeth, which made the pills    in the study.  I sometimes wonder about pharmaceutical companies and the FDA

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Here’s an important point to remember!

If you are picking up a drug prescribed to you that you have used in the past, but not currently, always ask to speak to a Pharmacist.

Just because you have used the medication before it may be assumed that you know all you need to know.

 However, if some of you other medications have changed, you may have a reaction.

The Pharmacist can do a check to be sure all is fine or not

Also, it’s always a good idea to check the labels and the contents of the bottles, before leaving. Do all you can to avoid mistakes that can and do happen!


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