From the category archives:


Saw this chart – not sure where – and thought it may be a heck of a lot better than most of the prescription in the medicine cabinet.

I don’t know you but I am starting to think we are an over medicated nation sometimes. I mean – it is wonderful that we have discovered ways to relieve and cure so many things but the way pills are prescribed for anything and everything kind of makes me wonder.

So maybe it is better to try this for what ails you next time!

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There’s Driving Miss Daisy as well as Miss Daisy driving herself out there – and it’s getting trickier to navigate the roads each year.

Did you know that there are more people 70+ driving today than ever?

Of course you did because there are more of us than ever period….so it is logical that more of us a driving.

I saw a stat that while 1 in 10 Americans are 70+ today – 1 in 5 will be in 2040. Interesting but not that relevant to me – unless I come back reincarnated that is! But fact of the matter is – it’s tougher to drive safe as you grow older.

I know my reflexes are slower but what really gets me is night vision. Can’t see a dang thing sometimes.

Here’s a list of some things to watch out for that can tell you if its getting times to give up the keys or at least limit the amount of driving you do:

- More dents and scratches on the car than before. Make a count now and check next month – did you have some more? Yes? Better think about it.

- Tickets or warnings. At our age we are old enough to know better. There is absolutely no reason to be pulled over – so if you are…you gotta think about it.

- Getting lost around town. Hey – the memory is going for many of us – and if we get lost in our own neighborhood for safety sake we have to take a hard look at that fact.

- Getting honked at a lot? Probably not your looks. Again a warning sign.

Got any other tips or ideas for us? Let me know!

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I came upon a blog regarding an ER clerk having trouble reaching a Kaiser doctor. She seemed very unhappy with the automated phone tree and the fact one needed to push a button for English or Spanish. My first thought was it wasn’t Kaiser that annoyed her, but the fact that we offer so many language options rather than just sticking with English.


When I call Kaiser the system starts with English and then in Spanish quickly states press 2 for Spanish (in Spanish).


She also complains about how difficult it was to reach a Kaiser members doctor. If the member had his Kaiser ID card with him there is a phone # on the back that would have connected her with the doctor or a  person who could help her  right  away.


This card should be carried with the member all the time or at least the phone #. However, if the member should not have it the clerk can call the phone tree # listen to the options it will tell you to leave a message for doctor press the # a human will come on the phone very quickly and help you with the issue.

I understand that the patient must give written permission  to satisfy HIPPA requirements.

I also understand that member’s services will talk to the clerk on how to handle these types of situations.

I have had two emergency visits outside of Kaiser and had no problems.

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I read in my local paper that the Kaiser Permanente earned top grade in HMO
Seeing how this is the open enrollment period, I find it good to know that my HMO
received the top grade rating.
I also read that there is a web site that lets one view the 2009 health care quality
report card as well as a phone #. or 888-466-2219. I found the site to be informative and easy to
I should add that the Kaiser rating was for health care in general not just for Medicare.
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