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hearing aids

I have talked about hearing aid ads before. Well. I saw a list on the top basic questions on hearing  aids….

Thought it might be helpful so wanted to share it

1. Describe what hearing aids actually do

Every hearing aid has four basic parts:

A microphone which grabs the sound

An amplifier that turns up the volume of the sound

A speaker that delivers the sound to you

A battery which juices up all the power

In order to hear you need the sound coming into you ear that is turned up loud enough so that you can recognize it. There needs to be enough energy to make all the parts work.

2. What are the three different types of hearing aids?

Regular analog

Programmable analog

Programmable digital

If you’d like to learn more about hearing aid basics. Click on the the link.

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I saw this post regarding crackling ears and wanted to pass it on.

He also gives Free Medical Advice too.

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I was reading a local newspaper paper that had a page called “Health View” – which is actually  an advertisement page. Of course they make it look like it is part of the editorial copy – even though there is fine print that says “paid advertisiment”

In the article, someone asked if hearing test are really free. The answer was : “Yes hearing test
are really free.”
I know a lot of seniors who have had free hearing test.
But I must say, I know none who got free hearing aides.
I always enjoy the “studies”. This one read 2/3 of the population 70 and older can be helped by some type of hearing instrument. We all know our hearing could use some help after 70, as well has our eyes, our sense of smell, yes and other things.
I wonder if anyone over 70 has been told, your hearing is fine, we don’t need to sell you
hearing aides. Probably not.
This is a pretty good check list to reference too:
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